Not everyone has the ability or desire to move a kart from home to the track for each practice of raceday. For many it is just a matter of knowing that if the kart is trackside, it will be used more often!

PKC has created several programs for Kart Storage at Pitt Race including Vertical Storage, Flat Storage and Flat Storage with a KartLift.

Each option also affords space for a spares tote and tire rack space for rain and spare tires.

All storage customers have the option to rent a PKC NewLine Kart Stand by the month or bring their own stand with them.

Get in Touch
  • Affordability

    Packages start at just $45/month and the option to store for just the season or year round adds flexibility.

  • Convenience

    No trailer to hook up at home or put away at the end of the day. Call ahead prep services are available as well.

  • Location

    The PKC storage garages are in the trackside garages so karts are only steps away from the paddock and track.